Privacy Policy
For “Global Guard Vpn” ensuring the rights and interests protection of the Users is one of the most priority issues considering the peculiarities of usage of “Global Guard Vpn” services.
Provision of personal identifying information is necessary for the User in order to access “Global Guard Vpn” services receipt. Non-provision of the respective personal data by the User shall result in inability for the “Global Guard Vpn” to provide services to the User.
Within the present privacy policy of the “Global Guard Vpn” under personal data the information relating to an identified or identifiable User is understood, in particular: name, surname, e-mail address.
Personal data do not include anonymous data that do not relate to an identified or are not identifiable in relation to concrete User as well as depersonalized data.
Purpose of User’s personal data processing: fulfillment of the provisions of the Terms of Use concluded between the User and the “Global Guard Vpn”, provision of the User’s access to the services provided by the “Global Guard Vpn”.
“Global Guard Vpn” applications can collect the following information about the User (cases of collection are indicated):
* Information about device within the access to the “Global Guard Vpn” applications that is processed by automated means, i.e. information about mobile device, including IP-address, operating system, IDFA (Identifier For Advertisers) or Apple ID, technical data regarding device attributes and settings, applications, advertising opt-out signals and in-app events*. Mobile advertising IDs, application usage statistics such as launch times and duration.
The following companies are the Processors of the personal data of the applications of “Global Guard VPN”:
* AppMetrica by Yandex LLC.
* Facebook Ireland Ltd.
* Google Inc.,
* Amplitude, Inc.
The User hereby freely gives an unambiguous consent to the processing of the personal data relating to him or her and mentioned above for the purposes of personal data processing indicated hereto.
The User has the right to withdraw his or her consent at any time. The withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal. Withdrawal is made by the mere notification of the “Global Guard Vpn” via its Support service, i.e. by sending an e-mail to the address with the subject “Consent withdrawal” or in the Settings menu of the application.
The User is also entitled to:
* request the access to and removal of personal data processed by the “Global Guard Vpn”;
* restrict the processing of personal data concerning the User;
* object to processing of personal data concerning the User;
* demand for realization of the right to data portability from the “Global Guard Vpn”;
* exercise the right to lodge a complaint with a relevant supervisory authority.
The User is empowered to request one copy of the personal data undergoing processing free of charge. Any additional copies are provided on a reimbursement basis.
“Global Guard Vpn” hereby undertakes not to conduct any disclosure or transfer of the User’s personal data to any third parties, except Processors, mentioned above, without receipt of personal consent of the User.
“Global Guard Vpn” uses the safety measures for ensuring the confidentiality of the User’s information as well as for protection of the User’s information from loss, theft, unauthorized access, misuse, amendment or destruction.
The User is obliged to ensure safety of the registration data indicated by him or her for safe usage of “Global Guard Vpn”.
“Global Guard Vpn” stores the personal data relating to the User for 1 (one) year after closing, termination of the Personal account or uninstalling the application. Upon termination of the mentioned term personal data relating to the User are subject to destruction or depersonalization to ensure anonymity of such information via deletion of the personal identifying information. Data retention periods for other Processors are indicated by the links above.
Conditions of the present privacy policy of the “Global Guard Vpn” may be unilaterally changed by the “Global Guard Vpn” if required under the applicable laws or in other relevant cases with obligatory notification of the Users. New version of the privacy policy enters into force and is subject to observance by the User after the User has expressly agreed to its applicability.If the User does not agree to the applicability of the new version of the privacy policy of the “Global Guard Vpn”, the User will discontinue the usage of the “Global Guard Vpn” and will be not allowed to use its Personal account without provision of an unambiguous consent to the applicability of the new version of the PRIVACY POLICY.
If you have any questions relating to the present privacy policy of the “Global Guard Vpn” or claims arising out of its application, please, refer them to the “Global Guard Vpn” Support service via the email: We shall contact you back as soon as possible.
In case of your personal data breach, please, immediately contact the “Global Guard Vpn” Support service via mail: (use “Personal data breach” subject and describe the accident).
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